Q. Buy airline tickets now? Southwest Airlines, Tampa to Havana direct?
A. The flights seem to fluctuate. I paid as low as $418 on my last two today and it was $570.

Q. What’s the latest date to “secure our spot”?
A. 25 days prior to the event.

Q. Will refund of the amount paid be made if the trip is canceled by you or me, for any reason, prior to X days before trip date?
A. You could cancel up to 25 days prior to the event, a full refund will be issued.
If I cancel the event due to low participation, I will issue a full refund.
No refund could be issued once we are 25 days out from the tour date because of the need to secure transportation, lodging and accommodations by that time.

Q. Emergency medical insurance needed?
A. When purchasing a Southwest ticket to Cuba, Cuban health insurance is included as a mandatory Cuba Health Insurance Fee.

Q. Can we drink the water?
A. It is recommended to drink bottled water while you’re in Cuba.

Q. What if you can’t meet us at Havana airport ? What do we do?
A. In the case of some emergency, where I can’t pick you up at the airport, I will supply you with the destination address of the hotel we will be staying.

Q. Can you be reached by cell if we are delayed?
A. Yes, I will give you my WhatsApp contact so we can stay in communications constantly as long as you
have access to Wi-Fi, or else using “roaming” and you can call my Cuban cell number. It takes a while before the suitcases show up but as soon as you go out the exit door you will see me waiting for you, with the van for all of us.

Q. What camera equipment should we bring? Bodies? Lenses? (1 or 2 bodies; medium zoom; wide-angle?)
A. For the most part, we will be doing street photography, so a medium zoom to wide angle will be most desirable. There will be some opportunity for big zoom lenses as well.

Q. Should we check camera equipment, or carry on? Are there any concerns with checking bags instead of carry-on?
A. Personally, I checked in all my camera gear because I didn’t want to carry it around the airport. That
being said it’s really your own discretion. And what you feel comfortable with. Of course, you know you cannot have any loose batteries in your checked baggage.

Q. Are you “licensed to provide travel services to Americans”? “The tour operator must issue a
Certificate of Legal Cuba Travel, guaranteeing your trip conforms to current US Cuba travel regulations.”
A. I am not a travel agent, or a travel service company, I am your photography guide travel liaison. I will be assisting you navigate your way through Cuba and lead you to some awesome locations for photography. I will however, as your friendly liaison, be helpful in guiding our activities to not be in Cuba as Tourists but rather to visit the people in support of their budding free enterprise.

Q. Is a passport required?
A. Yes, your passport is required to enter and exit the country and also to enter Cuba. You will pay $85 for the Cuban visa, right at beginning of the Southwest counter.

Q. Do US credit and debit cards work in Cuba?
A. Credit cards and ATM machines generally do not work in Cuba, there may be some exceptions when the services rendered there, are processed from a bank outside of Cuba. For the most part cash is king, I
will arrange the money exchange to Cuban pesos. Best to bring enough dollars in cash to cover any
incidental extra expenses and souvenirs.

Q. How much cash should we bring?
A. $200-$300 should be sufficient.

Q. Does Google Maps work there?
A. Download “Maps.me”, (I did. Works good). Google maps and Waze seem to work but did not support turn by turn directions.

Q. Cell phone issues? Roaming? Able to call USA? Charging voltage?
A. Cuba has two voltages 110 and 220 the plugs look identical the only way you would know the difference is because of the label they put on top receptacle. Most of your USB adapters and chargers
support 220v as well. Please read the fine print on your charger to see what the input voltage range is.
Some cell phone services like Verizon and a few others support roaming in Cuba. I will be securing Sim
cards from Cuba phone services for you to be able to put in your phone if necessary.

Q. Sunscreen, mosquito repellent?
A. Yes, a small bottle or your favorite sunscreen and repellent might come in handy once or twice. Simple things like Tylenol and Pepto-Bismol are scarce so make sure to bring any medicines required. I will bring a first aid kit with me.

Q. Fanny pack or money belt? (Advised)
A. A cross shoulder bag seems to work best for me, keeps all your belongings in front of you. Passport, money, identification, telephone, etc.

Q. Special clothing requirements? Shorts for day wear? Long Pants/slacks for evening? (Advised)
A. Having some comfortable walking shoes is highly recommended.